
Injection IS NOT Oral

Injection completely bypasses the natural barriers of digestion, therefore comparing this to oral intake with the absorption rate of an adult is completely unethical when using this as the basis for vaccine safety data.⁣⁣
I am using data* presented from the ‘Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s website – this hospital graduated for ’Best Children’s Hospital US News Honor Roll 2019-20’ and ‘Parents – Most Innovative Children’s Hospital 2018’.⁣⁣
Do I trust this data?⁣⁣
Why am I using it?⁣⁣
Because you trust it.⁣⁣
Aluminium exposure from babies during their first six months of life:⁣⁣

  • Breast-fed infants ingest around 7mg⁣⁣
  • Vaccinations deliver around 4.4mg⁣⁣

⁣⁣Oral absorption of aluminium is around 0.1%**⁣⁣
This would equate to 0.007mg of aluminium absorbed through the natural barriers of the digestive system and detoxification pathways.⁣⁣
Vaccinations absorption rate is 100%. ⁣⁣
This would equate to 4.4mg.⁣⁣
If this initial statistic is right, this would equate to over 628 times more exposure from vaccines when compared to breast feeding. ⁣⁣
**Data for the absorption of aluminium across the infant gut does not presently exist. Theoretically, this has to be abstracted from the gastrointestinal absorption data obtained from adults. The oft-cited value for adults is less than 0.1% of ingested aluminium absorbed (C. Exley, 2013)