
July 22nd 2024
Fraser Suites, Kent Street

Sydney July 22nd 2024
Fraser Suites, Kent Street

Foundations of

Blood Work 🩸

You should be proud of yourself – you’re one step closer to mastering blood work.


You’re about to discover how blood work can remove the guesswork from nutrition plans, and achieve the sort of results that make you fall back in love with what you do again.


You recognise your clients deserve the best, and quite frankly, you deserve the best too.


After this masterclass, you’ll be ahead of most in the industry when it comes to your understanding of blood work.


Here’s what we’re covering:


We’ll begin by setting the ground-work of functional blood work, so you can eliminate the overwhelm and self-doubt, whilst understanding why functional blood work is the biggest opportunity of 2024


  • 10 must do’s and 9 definitely dont’s of functional blood work, enabling you to comfortably stay inside your scope of practice

  • Personal investigator: How to quality check published data, so you can think for yourself rather than relying on being told

  • How blood work can help you create clarity, confidence, fulfillment and respect, whilst earning your worth


Then, we’ll unpack the primary principles of blood work, this will equip you with the skills to address the mechanism, and not just the marker …


  • One study involving 12.8 million adults shows that the UK’s National Health Service guidelines might be creating more harm?

  • Overview of the 106 patterns on a simple blood test waiting to be discovered

  • Biofeedback: B.L.O.O.D.S formula to systematically increase accuracy and enhance tracking

  • Priority of dysfunction: The missed roadmap for client results

  • 4 simple questions everyone misses when assessing clients, that eliminates 8-12 weeks of guesswork

  • The hidden risks of the 10 ‘healthiest’ foods – One man’s food can be another man’s poison

  • Advanced nutritional design: 126 categories to personal nutrition plans (just from blood work)

  • 28 most common mistakes: information, collection, interpretation

  • We’ll also break down the critical 13 reasons to refer out


After this, you’ll be ready to build comprehensive nutritional plans that are truly tailored around your clients specific needs …


  • Calculate deficits and surpluses without the guess-work

  • Fine-tune macro-nutrients based on requirement and tolerance levels

  • Pin-point specific foods to optimise nutritional status

  • Adjust training load based on ‘health-handbrakes’


Next, we’ll break down the foundations of gut health …


  • Starting by disclosing the biggest gut health mistakes in the industry

  • We’ll expose the 18 errors on stool tests and how to work around them

  • Then, you’ll learn how to detect leaky gut, parasites, and mould through functional blood work (along with understanding the root causes)


Finally, we’ll help you confidently navigate women’s health …


  • We’ll break down the 3 stages of perimenopause, and how you can gracefully manage symptoms

  • How to assess and confidently work with the sub-types of PCOS

  • Lastly, we’ll address acne by identifying the underlying root causes and how to utilise blood work to create long-lasting results as opposed to masking the problem


I know what you’re thinking …


How can we possibly fit all of this into one day?


This isn’t going to be some leisurely seminar.


It’s going to be fast-paced and hands-on.


It’s also not going to be a seminar where you drown in complicated theory …


Instead, it’s going to be highly applicable to you and your clients.


We won’t be going over each marker individually, unfortunately we don’t have the time for this… I will however be equipping you with an understanding, and revolutionary patterns to identify key areas that are fundamental to achieving life-changing results with your clients.


If you’re familiar with blood work, you’ll be walking away with advanced methods, patterns and insights that have never been shared before outside of the Institute.


… and even if you are completely new to blood work, despite how big this gap may feel, this is the closest you’ve ever been to mastering blood work.


On the 22nd July, I’ll be running an all day seminar from 10am-4pm.


We have 3 ticket prices below:

Early Bird $250

For the first 20 spaces

* Includes a pre-event Blood Work Fast-Track Call
General Admission $350

* Includes a pre-event Blood Work Fast-Track Call
VIP Experience $997

Limited to 5 committed health professionals

* Includes a pre-event Blood Work Fast-Track Call

Tailored Experience – We will be opening up the doors an hour early so I can get to know you, your clients and business. Throughout the day, I will tailor examples where relevant to enhance your learning and applicability.

Integration Hour – After the event, we will spend 60-minutes answering specific questions tailored, with the opportunity to ask any question related to functional health.

Evening Networking Meal – This is where we take you out for food, and you have the opportunity to network with high-influencing, successful practitioners which are committed to changing the industry and raising the standards.

Post-Seminar Group Integration Call – On the 6th August, 2 weeks after the event, we will be hosting a group call at 5pm (Sydney). This is where we get hands on with assessing, integrating and helping you implement the information, whilst addressing any questions that arise after the event.

Quite frankly, this event has the ability to far surpass a 100x return on its investment, and if you’re in the industry, you’ve probably had bold promises made to you already and you’re most likely discerning this statement …

You’re a little skeptical.

That’s exactly why you’re here.

Reading each line.

You’re a questioner.

That’s why you are wanting to learn blood work.

You recognise there’s a gap, there’s something else out there.

You know there’s more you can do, and more that your clients need.

And that’s exactly the people that we work with.

We don’t expect you to believe us.

Instead, this is why we get hands on and individually show you, whilst letting our results do the talking for us …

So, if you’re ready to become recognised as THE ‘go-to’ coach in your niche …

If you want to confidently create life-changing results that make you fall back in love with what you do …

And, if you want to rightfully sell high-ticket packages by delivering an undeniable level of value …

Then all you have to do is purchase your ticket and we’ll support you on the other side.

You’re just one decision away from mastering blood work …

P.S. Just to make it easy, every email in relation to this masterclass, will have this emoji 🩸 at the start of your subject line.

Even if you don’t open the email, let it be a reminder that your skills in functional blood work have the opportunity to change thousands of lives.

Early Bird Tickets


For the first 20 spots

VIP Experience


Limited to 5 committed health professionals

General Admission
