
Dental Meridians

Globally, we are now starting to return to the appreciation that the human body has in terms of its multi-dimensional bi-directional response with organs, hormones, emotions, muscles and other interconnections.

The meridian lines is a concept developed from Traditional Chinese Medicine.

They represent the energy channels that govern the energy flow of the body, in which they control all bodily functions and connecting all parts of the body with relative organs.

A little-known element is a relationship each tooth has to its given meridian line and the link it has corresponding organs (penultimately eliciting function within the body).

Any issues with a specific tooth can be an indication that there is a disruption to their meridian line or contribute to reducing meridian flow.

Dental problems which can be utilised range from:

  • Root canal
  • Fillings
  • Sensitive teeth/tooth
  • Eroding or weak teeth
  • Receding or weak gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Missing teeth

Other aspects to consider would be the formation of teeth, and any modern-day intervention to manipulate this, such as veneers or braces.